Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Celebrate Your Life convention

This past November I had he most incredible opportunity to attend one of most exciting and inspirational conventions, "Celebrate Your Life" put together by Mishka Productions. People from all over the world gathered together for this extraordinary event for so many personal reasons but to leave with the same end result, A full heart, a better sense of self awareness, and memories to last a lifetime. It was a success!

The structure of the event is a constant. There are several sessions to choose from every few hours with an array of Authors who will stay after a session to sign books and at times to answer questions. The list of speaker itinerary ranged from Spiritual living and guidance, conscious behavior, overcoming obstacles, mediumship and law of attraction.

I was blessed with so many co-incidences that brought me to the convention. The founder of Mishka Productions (Liz Dawn) happened to have married my cousin's wife. Upon arrival she treated me as if I were a family member she had known for years. Learning very quickly after meeting her, she is nothing short of a wonderful soul.

I attended many of the sessions too many to mention all, but to name a few were Dr. Wayne Dyer, and Doreen Virtue.

 Dr. Dyer spoke of human consciousness. Bringing in "I CAN and I AM" into every aspect of your life. "I am worthy, I am beautiful, I am smart etc...." "I can do what ever I set my mind to, I CAN help others, I CAN move in what ever direction I choose etc....." He speaks in very powerful format and is quite humorous throughout the session. I was one of three lucky enough to have been given a book by Dr. Dyer from the stage which he later signed for me.

Doreen Virtue spoke of how to listen and hear the angels that are with each and every one of us. We all have Guardian Angels, as well as angels who are with us to walk thru our lives here on earth. As small children we know they are there. Some children will talk with their angels , we as adults see them as imaginary friends. If during this time we try to discourage the imaginary friends the child will eventually feel that what can not be seen by others must not be so. She spoke of her new book Angel Words: Visual Evidence of How Words Can Be Angels in Your Life 
Angel Words gives visual proof of the power and impact of speaking in a loving way. You’ll come to understand why positive words express the most energy and therefore have the most power to manifest your dreams. You'll also see how negative words have low energy and read how they can actually draw negative experiences to you. This unforgettable book will immediately motivate you to choose positive words! 

At the end of the presentation she asked "who in the audience lives with a negative person"? Well, my hand went flying up and and all I could do is scream out "Oh My God!" WELL! Either I was the loudest or she felt  the negative person in my life outweighed the others because she pointed to me and asked someone to hand it to me. She later also signed the book for me. A fascinating book I will say.

I was later invited to the Authors private party. Imagine being in a room filled with not just authors but authors of inspirational and spiritual writings? I still can not find the words to express the feeling. But, I will say this, Never once did I feel intimidated, out of place or uncomfortable. It was almost a feeling of belonging.
 There I am in the second row next to Tom
 My cousin Tom at the Authors Private Party

Look at these incredibly gifted writers all in one room. AMAZING! Front row center is Liz Dawn Donahue founder of Mishka Productions and to the right of her is her sister and partner Jaime Wallace Zeimen


  1. oh my goodness I want to go! Are you going to go again?

  2. I am thinking about it. They have two per year. The one in Arizona and then a spring/summer one in Chicago. It really is something to experience
