Monday, November 21, 2011

From the Heart: Fear

From the Heart: Fear: For years now I have been "In Search Of" my purpose. My goal in life. My passion. Reading books, attending workshops of sorts, talking and l...

From the Heart: What does the question "What Do You Want" mean to ...

From the Heart: What does the question "What Do You Want" mean to ...: Over the weekend I flipped thru the "Heal Your Life" workbook and came upon a question that seems to jump out at me as it does in so many o...

Monday, April 18, 2011

What does the question "What Do You Want" mean to you?

 Over the weekend I flipped thru the "Heal Your Life" workbook and came upon a question that seems to jump out at me as it does in so many other books and areas of my life. "WHAT DO YOU WANT"?
I'm not so sure why this always stumps me when this question comes up as a quiz of sorts. Even when a friend of mine and I were working on our new vision boards and going thru the magazines I remember saying how much tougher it is this time than the first time we had done one. Back then (5 years ago) I was ripping pages out all over the place LOL. I'm not sure if it's because now every time I hear "what do you want" I immediately hear "be careful what you wish for". First off, I'm not sure why that question follows the latter and secondly I AM afraid of what to ask for because everything that is received has it's consequences, good and or bad. For some reason I equate receiving something great to be attached to something bad. Why am I so fearful that the consequences might be bad? Then I looked deeper. AHA! Because with everything that is received, with it comes changes. And THIS my friends is what I fear. Change. Simple as that. FEAR OF CHANGE. 
One of the first E-Mails I opened this morning was from TUT .... A Note From The Universe. 

Here is what it said: "When you don't know what you want, Bernadette, it's probably time to begin enjoying what you have". 

Do I "not know" what it is I want or is it that I am too afraid to want out of fear? Fear of change. Maybe this message from the Universe came at the right time to tell me: slow down, I don't always need to want, what is the rush in knowing, let the knowing of what you want come to you. 
So with that, I will sit back, enjoy what I have and until the knowing what I want comes to me freely and without fear, I will go on with my daily life, enjoy what it is I have, for I am exactly where I should be at this very moment in time. 
Love, Hugs and Kisses,
Enjoy The Marathon Today!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

IS the grass really greener on the other side?

Things seem to be popping up everywhere these days that have me thinking about when I was younger, much younger. So in thinking back to when I was a child or at least as far back as I can remember, I always thought how great it would be to be on the other side. You know, where "the grass is always greener".  I must have thought this way so much so that these are (almost) the only memories that come to mind. In my eyes it seemed everyone had it all or more than me. More fun, more friends, better hair, better skin, just more or better things than I did. I remember being shy, nervous and scared a lot. I know, I know, those of you who watched me grow up such as my brother, sisters, aunts and uncles would say "that's not what I remember" but things are so different on the inside than they are on the outside. I do remember times that I laughed and had fun but they seem to be so far and few in between. Does everyone feel this way when thinking back to their childhood? Something tells me no.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

A Blah Blah Blah Blog: Celebrate Your Life convention

A Blah Blah Blah Blog: Celebrate Your Life convention: "This past November I had he most incredible opportunity to attend one of most exciting and inspirational conventions, 'Celebrate Your Life' ..."

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Celebrate Your Life convention

This past November I had he most incredible opportunity to attend one of most exciting and inspirational conventions, "Celebrate Your Life" put together by Mishka Productions. People from all over the world gathered together for this extraordinary event for so many personal reasons but to leave with the same end result, A full heart, a better sense of self awareness, and memories to last a lifetime. It was a success!

The structure of the event is a constant. There are several sessions to choose from every few hours with an array of Authors who will stay after a session to sign books and at times to answer questions. The list of speaker itinerary ranged from Spiritual living and guidance, conscious behavior, overcoming obstacles, mediumship and law of attraction.

I was blessed with so many co-incidences that brought me to the convention. The founder of Mishka Productions (Liz Dawn) happened to have married my cousin's wife. Upon arrival she treated me as if I were a family member she had known for years. Learning very quickly after meeting her, she is nothing short of a wonderful soul.

I attended many of the sessions too many to mention all, but to name a few were Dr. Wayne Dyer, and Doreen Virtue.

 Dr. Dyer spoke of human consciousness. Bringing in "I CAN and I AM" into every aspect of your life. "I am worthy, I am beautiful, I am smart etc...." "I can do what ever I set my mind to, I CAN help others, I CAN move in what ever direction I choose etc....." He speaks in very powerful format and is quite humorous throughout the session. I was one of three lucky enough to have been given a book by Dr. Dyer from the stage which he later signed for me.

Doreen Virtue spoke of how to listen and hear the angels that are with each and every one of us. We all have Guardian Angels, as well as angels who are with us to walk thru our lives here on earth. As small children we know they are there. Some children will talk with their angels , we as adults see them as imaginary friends. If during this time we try to discourage the imaginary friends the child will eventually feel that what can not be seen by others must not be so. She spoke of her new book Angel Words: Visual Evidence of How Words Can Be Angels in Your Life 
Angel Words gives visual proof of the power and impact of speaking in a loving way. You’ll come to understand why positive words express the most energy and therefore have the most power to manifest your dreams. You'll also see how negative words have low energy and read how they can actually draw negative experiences to you. This unforgettable book will immediately motivate you to choose positive words! 

At the end of the presentation she asked "who in the audience lives with a negative person"? Well, my hand went flying up and and all I could do is scream out "Oh My God!" WELL! Either I was the loudest or she felt  the negative person in my life outweighed the others because she pointed to me and asked someone to hand it to me. She later also signed the book for me. A fascinating book I will say.

I was later invited to the Authors private party. Imagine being in a room filled with not just authors but authors of inspirational and spiritual writings? I still can not find the words to express the feeling. But, I will say this, Never once did I feel intimidated, out of place or uncomfortable. It was almost a feeling of belonging.
 There I am in the second row next to Tom
 My cousin Tom at the Authors Private Party

Look at these incredibly gifted writers all in one room. AMAZING! Front row center is Liz Dawn Donahue founder of Mishka Productions and to the right of her is her sister and partner Jaime Wallace Zeimen


For years now I have been "In Search Of" my purpose. My goal in life. My passion. Reading books, attending workshops of sorts, talking and listening to well versed family and friends and most recently traveled from the East Coast to the West Coast to attend a Celebrate Your Life Conference in Arizona. The conference itself was awe inspiring and one I will never forget. But thinking back to the trip I realized that the open arms I received while in Arizona was just as incredible as the conference itself. Memories all their own. From cousins that I don't get the opportunity to spend time with but once every few years, a friend that has remained in my life after moving to the West Coast well over 15 years ago, to strangers I met who made me feel like family. To each and every one of them I say "Thank You"!

I honestly thought that all of what I was doing would answer my question. I began to get discouraged when I came to realize no one can answer the question of "Who am I and What is my purpose". Who could possibly know who I am, what I have been thru, my every thought, feeling and emotion but me? They can help in the process by bringing you into tune with yourself, body, mind and spirit. AHA MOMENT! It is my own life book, my own workshop of experiences and listening to what my heart and mind have been trying to tell me all of my life. 

In doing so I have painstakingly come to admit that fear had taken hold of my life. Held me back from so many things. It had control over every decision I've ever made. Stopped me from being independent. Took away my what could have been. So now I am left with the "knowing" of myself and the truth behind my every thought. Fear. It's hard to admit that something that doesn't really exist except in my own mind has turned out to be just a false image of who I really am and could have been.
My new journey is to find a way to fight off these debilitating thoughts of fear and go for the gusto! Let go of my unconscious mind and follow my heart without fear or reservation. Sounds so easy on paper but I can see a long road ahead of me. Some will be tough, some sad, but in the end can only be rewarding to my true self and who I was born to be.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

A Blah Blah Blah Blog: Hey God, See Ya When I Get Back

A Blah Blah Blah Blog: Hey God, See Ya When I Get Back: " Have you ever thought about the theory 'You choose your destiny before your born'? You know, your parents are your parents because you..."

Sunday, January 9, 2011


I just felt the need to repost a response I posted earlier today on someone's wall. it just infuriates me how people can be so blinded by their own opinions when their opinions are based solely on their selfish wants. You may agree or disagree but her is my response:

Guns, for intent and purposes were manufactured to be used as a weapon which is why they are used during war (not sold in the household section at Sears). @Linda, the last I checked I do not believe that matches nor a Seadoo was used as a weapon during any war so to compare those to an actual "weapon" is totally illogical.
Accidents happen and people are killed everyday from fires, car accidents, plane crashes knife weldings and at the hands of humans.... but none of which where "manufactured" for the sole purpose to kill. The fire arms law is to prevent people to be able to "carry" a fire arm unless in the line of duty. Even hunters don't "carry" a gun all day every day because they are waiting for hunting season, come on now. Let's be realistic.

Shawn, you are partly right. There will never be enough laws in place to "stop" the mad men/women out there but the laws are put in place to help "prevent" more accidents and make it easier to prosecute when tragedies such as these strike. And like I said hunters do not "carry" their riffle 24/7. This law is not intended for the deer hunter or fish and game clubs.  It is for the civilian that pats their belt with a loaded firearm as part of their daily attire. It just is not necessary. FYI Shawn, a bomb IS illegal because it is a weapon. Again, you cannot compare a bomb to a car.

PS. Passing a firearms law is by no means taking away your freedom but, should you in your hear feel that is the case, there are many other countries that will actually encourage every man, woman and child to carry a firearm and I hear they would welcome anyone who wants to live such a life style. You can't just pick and choose what you consider to be "freedom". Freedom is a given rite to the American people to do, say and act as they wish while respecting and abiding in accordance to the laws set forth in protecting our fellowman from harm to themselves or others. Just sayin...