Monday, December 13, 2010

Hey God, See Ya When I Get Back

 Have you ever thought about the theory "You choose your destiny before your born"? You know, your parents are your parents because you asked to be their child while sitting upon some cloud somewhere.  Then you get here and you say "WHAT THE HECK! I said Trump, not dump!" I suppose "The Donald" would have about a zillion kids right now and would have ended up in a dump any way but that's another story for another day.
 So I started thinking.... What might my conversation with the the big G upstairs have sounded like.

"Hey God! (I only assume I knew him well enough to address him in this way and was one of those really cool angels). Listen, I was thinkin, Maybe you could get me down there with Mary and Joe. I mean, they seem really nice. He seems to be a great guy, a hard worker, devoted son, husband and Dad who loves them other kids he's already got. Mary seems very nice, also devoted to them other ones they have but seems she could use some help keeping her preoccupied so she's not always thinking some chick is tryin to get their claws into Joe. Maybe you can send two of me just be be on the safe side. You know, like a twin. Ya, that's it! A twin. We can have some real fun with that and cause all kinds of mischief and chaos.

 I'm thinkin we could be really funny looking and have red kinky hair with lots of freckles with no chance of ever getting a tan. I know Mary will always think of us as being beautiful any way. That would also give the neighborhood kids something to make fun of too. Maybe you could throw in a mild disability, say like a hearing loss like Joe has. I'll be the shy one that hides behind my twin, kind of like a shadow and she can be the funny one that everyone wants to hang out with. After all, the more friends she has the more people I get to hang out with.

 It could be real fun having someone to celebrate everything with and sharing in all the special occasions. Maybe we could even have a double wedding! How cool would that be? You never know. stranger things have happened down there. Well, on second thought maybe you do know, I mean you are God and all. Once we're down there we can figure the rest out for ourselves of course. I may have to call on you every now and again if that's OK with you. So how's that sound? COOL! See ya when I get back! *wink*. Oh, and one more thing, if you could make her the real friggin lucky one that'd be great! Thanks again Mr G"

Yes, I'm pretty sure that's how my conversation with God would have gone because that certainly is what I got.



  1. this reads like you're having a fun time!

  2. i love the concept of asking God to give us a certain situation. Very enjoyable reading this!

  3. Thank you Andrea! That means a lot to me coming from you.

  4. A message from a friend: I really enjoyed your conversation with God,it makes me think of what you are saying.You share the thoughts of being a twin,a little red headed girl who people made fun of and always in the SHADOW of your sister.I really liked reading it, but one thing we can talk about is you, you need to stop being the that shadow,and start to do things for yourself. Bernadette you are a beautiful women,person with the most outgoing personality. God made us all different for one reason or another,but the fact is that are a wonderful person.Please go find your dream and keep that glowful smile that brings the best out of people.You have always had that unique smile and personality that drove frineds crazy!!!
